Thursday, May 26, 2011

Big Ol' Scaredy Cat

LOL  I just had to mention that poor Mabel is apparently frightened of yellow ribbons!

You know the kind that are hung across driveways when they are sealed?  As we were going for a nice long walk this afternoon, we happened to pass a driveway that must have been done a few weeks ago.  There was only one steak at the end, and the ribbon was just sort of flapping around in the breeze.

Mabel had just got done sniffing a giant pine tree, and finally decided to pay attention to the rest of the world when a breeze kicked up and the ribbon fluttered.  Whoo Boy!  If she could have jumped into my arms she would have.

I actually had to get down on my knees, and hold the ribbon for her to sniff it, to see it was ok.

As for her walk, Mabel did awesome on a long walk without Twister.  She didn't have any issues with feeling the need to protect "the baby" from blowing leaves, or cats on someone else's porch.  She was very well behaved.  But she is also a great Foster Momma to Twister!

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