Mabel arrived about 4pm. She was so happy to see us, we knew for sure that she remembered us from the visit. Twister was so overly excited that we had to keep him in his crate for the first 15 minutes. :)
She walked around the yard with Jenn, from Pitty Love Rescue, and seemed content. However after Jenn left, Mabel was a bit anxious. She did not understand why her friend just left her here. Almost immediately she began cuddling with us on the couch for reassurance, and shortly afterwards was playing and running around with Twister.
Mabel is teaching Twister manners also. I hope I don't jinx it by saying that he has calmed down extremely, now that he has a big sister to tell him to "quit it" when he gets rowdy. Twister gets a bit jealous when Mabel has a hoof to chew on, even though he has his own, and tries to bribe Mabel to trade, by bringing her other toys... So far she has not fallen for it.
Poor Mabel would not go #2, no matter how many times we took her out (She finally went this morning). It seemed like she just couldn't find the right spot. Now, in hindsight, I know that she wanted privacy. Her chosen spot this morning was behind the basketball hoot, where she could peek her head around to see me, but was pretty sure I could not see her business. I couldn't. LOL
Last night was a little nerve-wracking for her, I think. She did not want to go to sleep in her crate, instead, when we said "bedtime" she would curl up on the couch, and give us sad eyes. We got her into the crate, and covered it up, so she would not be distracted. She whined for about 15 minutes, and then settled down just fine. She slept through the whole night with no problems.
Today (Sunday), Mabel and Twister will be alone for just a few hours while we go to dinner for Easter. I'm the anxious one now, wondering how she will handle us leaving. But it's good practice for Tomorrow and every other week day, when we will be at work.
so glad it went well!